
New Singer Featherweight LED Lightbulb

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Singer Featherweight 221, 222 LED Bulb. These bulbs have been tested and will fit and work in any Singer Featherweight machine including factory white (Pale Turquoise) and Tan machines as well as Singer Featherweight 222 Free Arm Machines. Not all LED bulbs sold for Featherweights will fit in all machines however, these have been tested and do fit.

The Singer Featherweights that were made in the UK plant have a deeper socket. If your LED bulb has a flange at the top of the metal sockets, they will not seat deeply enough into the socket to make a connection. We have our bulbs make without the flange so they are universal in the Featherweight Family.

If you are still using your original lightbulb or an incandescent lightbulb they can heat up and scald you or your fabric. The LED bulbs are brighter, white in color instead of yellow, use less power and do not get hot. When the incandescent bulbs get hot, they swell the steel gears on the upper portion of the machine. When they swell, they run slower and can put additional load on the motor, shortening the life. Since the motor is the most expensive part to replace on the Singer Featherweight, you want to keep your original motor running for a long time. The LED light bulb will elongate the life of your Singer Featherweight.

6.00 (in)
9.00 (in)
0.75 (in)